
CfA: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science & Technology Studies

With the sponsorship of the Society for the Humanities, Cornell University’s Department of Science & Technology Studies invites applications for a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship position beginning July 1, 2019. The fellowship offers a stipend of $53,000/year. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2018. More information on the fellowship can be found here.

Job: LSE Fellow in the History of the Ottoman Empire/History of Turkey

The Department of International History at the London School of Economics invites applications for an LSE Fellow in the History of the Ottoman Empire/History of Turkey, for the next academic session to commence in September 2018, for a period of 12 months. The successful candidate will contribute to the scholarship and intellectual life of the School by conducting teaching and research which…
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CfA: Post-Doc in Environmental History at the University of Manchester

History Department of the University of Manchester seeks to appoint a Presidential Fellow specialising in environmental history. Applications are welcome from researchers working on any historical period or geographical area, whose research is concerned with the environment, broadly defined. The successful applicant will join a school-wide research community that has strengths in the history of water, ‘natural’ disasters, maritime contacts, environment…
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Post-Doc: Tel Aviv University, The Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies

The Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies will award two post-doctoral fellowships of $30,000 each, for the academic year of 2018-2019. Fellows will conduct their research under the supervision of a senior faculty member from the Zvi Yavetz School of History. They are expected to reside in the Tel Aviv area. Tel Aviv University PhD holders are not eligible. Candidates…
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Post-Doc Position: University of Southern California, Middle East Studies

The Department of Middle East Studies at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles invites applications for a one-year post-doctoral fellowship in Middle East Studies. Researchers with training in Environmental Studies, anthropology, political economy, urban studies, and geography are particularly welcome to apply. This fellowship is renewable for up to three years contingent upon administrative approval. In addition to…
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