Summer schools

CfA: Historial 2018 Summerschool: An Environmental History of the Great War

The Centre international de recherche de l’Historial de la Grande Guerre (CIRHGG, Péronne) together with the EHESS (Paris), the Unniversity of Heidelberg, the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History de l’université du Luxembourg, and the  Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens), invites applications for its third summer school for graduate students (masters and PhD) working on the environmental history of the First World War. The…
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CfA: ICOHTEC Summer School of 2018

Applications are open now for the Second ICOHTEC Summer School “Does Technology drive History? Theoretical Concepts and Historical Examples” that will take place in Saint-Étienne, France on July 16-21, 2018. The summer school will combine the 45th ICOHTEC Symposium with a two-day intensive seminar course geared to PhD students and young post-doctoral scholars. Applications will be accepted by email until March 5, 2018. For more…
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