
CfP: Third NEHT Workshop 2021

Environmental Histories of the Ottoman and post-Ottoman World The Anthropocene: From Empire to Nation-States University of Vienna, 16-18 September 2021 Keynote:John McNeill (Georgetown University) Building the Anthropocene:A Global Environmental History of Industrialization, 1780—1920 Environmental history is a growing field of study for scholars of the Ottoman Empire and nation-states in the post-Ottoman territories, especially Turkey. Over the past decade, environmental…
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CfP: Istanbul Unbound: Environmental Approaches to the City (Istanbul, April 8-11, 2021)

Istanbul Research Institute and Pera Museum organize Istanbul Unbound: Environmental Approaches to the City, an international conference that seeks to offer new insights on the complex layers of Istanbul’s urban landscape, to be held in April 8-11, 2021, at the Pera Museum. The conference brings together innovative studies in the field of environmental history, political ecology, and critical art studies that…
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Ottoman Environmental Historian Alan Mikhail Receives Anneliese Maier Research Award

Author of the publication

Alan Mikhail, professor of Ottoman and environmental history, was recently honored with the 2018 Anneliese Maier Research Award given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Mikhail was one of eight researchers selected from 111 nominees for this award. Each award is valued at €250,000 and is granted to outstanding humanities scholars and social scientists who are nominated by collaborative partners…
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Camille Cole wins the Joel A. Tarr Envirotech Article Prize

Camille Cole,  a PhD candidate in the History Department at Yale University and a member of our network, received the Joel A. Tarr Prize for the best article, published in either a journal or edited volume, on the relationship between technology and the environment in history. Cole’s award-winning article, “Precarious Empires: A Social and Environmental History of Steam Navigation on…
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A Potentially New Source for Environmental Historians of Turkey: Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire

Online historical geographic information system (GIS) called the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE) is a potentially new source for environmental historians and environmental archaeologists who study Turkey and its surrounding regions in Roman era. Developed by the Swedish “research engineer” Johan Åhlfeldt and hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Classical History at Lund University in Sweden, the DARE is a…
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