Author Archive: admin

CfA: ESEH Next Generation Action Team

The Board of the European Society for Environmental History is seeking applications by doctoral student and post-doctoral researchers to join ESEH’s Next Generation Action Team 2018-2019 (NEXTGATe). NEXTGATe’s mission is to strengthen the presence and influence of next generation scholars on the environmental history field in Europe and beyond. Successful applicants will collaborate with ESEH’s Next Generation Coordinator, Viktor Pál…
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CfP: Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes

“Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes” is an international research initiative aiming at creating an interdisciplinary dialogue on the environmental history of the Modern Mediterranean with a focus on its coastal and marine ecosystems. The initiative’s first workshop will take place in Menton (in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in southeastern France) on October 18-20,…
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Call for Books: Turku Book Prize 2019

The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), are pleased to announce the call for entries for the 2019 Turku Book Prize in European Environmental History that they jointly sponsor every two years. With the purpose of identifying and encouraging excellent, innovative, and well-written scholarship in the field of European environmental…
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Anadolu’da Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Tarihi Antolojisi

 Anadolu’da Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Tarihi Antolojisi isimli 12 kitaplık proje kapsamında Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Sıtma isimli çalışma Mayıs 2017’de yayımlanmıştı. Antolojinin ikinci kitabı olan Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Kuduz geçtiğimiz günlerde çıktı. Derleme kitabın editörleri Dr. Eren Akçiçek, Doç. Dr. Şükran Köse, Çağrı Büke ve Fevzi Çakmak. Antolojinin üçüncü kitabı Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Cüzzam‘a katkı sağlamak isteyen araştırmacılar makalelerini Mayıs 2018’e kadar adresine gönderilebilir.