Author Archive: admin

Job: University Lectureship in Modern Turkish History and Culture (Leiden University)

Faculty of Humanities, Leiden Institute for Area Studies is looking for a University Lectureship in modern Turkish history and culture. The position is full time (38 hours per week), fixed-term post from 1 August 2018 through 31 July 2020. Applications close on May 13, 2018. More information about selection criteria, terms and conditions, and application process can be found here.

Camille Cole wins the Joel A. Tarr Envirotech Article Prize

Camille Cole,  a PhD candidate in the History Department at Yale University and a member of our network, received the Joel A. Tarr Prize for the best article, published in either a journal or edited volume, on the relationship between technology and the environment in history. Cole’s award-winning article, “Precarious Empires: A Social and Environmental History of Steam Navigation on…
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CfP: Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes

The international research initiative “Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes” is organizing a workshop wants to explore future research directions and new collaborative efforts across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. For the workshop that will take place on October 18-20, 2018 at the Menton Campus of Science Po Paris, the conveners invite…
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Konferans: ‘Muhteşem’ Yıllardan ‘Büyük Kaçgun’a: 16 ve 17. Yüzyıllarda Anadolu’da İklim Tarımsal Üretim ve Nüfus Hareketleri

Tarih Vakfı Ankara Tartışmaları’nın bu haftaki konuğu Osmanlı ve çevre tarihçisi Dr. Mehmet Kuru olacak. Sabancı Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Kuru, ‘Muhteşem’ Yıllardan ‘Büyük Kaçgun’a: 16 ve 17. Yüzyıllarda Anadolu’da İklim Tarımsal Üretim ve Nüfus Hareketleri başlıklı bir konferans verecek.

Job: Junior Professorship in History of Technology and Environmental History (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is our goal to make significant contributions to mastering the global challenges of mankind in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 9300 employees of KIT cooperate in a broad range of disciplines…
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